You have some jquery.js library include that comes after the Slider Revolution files js inclusion.
To fix this, you can:
    1. Set 'Module General Options' -> 'Advanced' -> 'jQuery & OutPut Filters' -> 'Put JS to Body' to on
    2. Find the double jQuery.js inclusion and remove it

Integrative AI Mental Care Platform

Wireless dry EEG measurement and therapeutics device

- 100% dry EEG measurement
- Fits all ages and genders
- High-quality signal 
- Quick measurement and reporting in 10 minutes
- Simultaneous HRV measurement 

National standard reference DB based EEG automated analysis solution

- First-ever sex classified EEG database 
- AI-guided EEG automated denoising 
- QEEG brain mapping report 
- Clinical decision support on cognitive disorders

Heart Rate Variability measurement

- HRV analytics solution
- Autonomic balance assessment using heart rhythm dynamics
- Prediction of anxiety, depression, and stress levels
- Combined in various clinical circumstances
Research Collaboration
- Machine learning model development using standardized EEG analysis pipelines
- Co-development of electrophysiological biomarkers
- Service development using iSyncWave quick recording and phenotyping
About iMediSync
- AI digital mental health platform company
- In-house development of EEG/PPG dry measurement device
- Development of first-ever sex classified EEG norm database  
- Development of AI EEG/PPG analytics on the cloud
- Cloud service of brain disease biomarker